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Message from our Chairlady


To all the dear members, my friends, I want to express my humble thanks for your kindness,
thoughtfulness, generosity and good wishes on the occasion of my ninetieth birthday.
You made me feel so happy and valued.

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Garbo's GSD Rescue is a non profit rescue organisation, set up not only to ease the lives of German Shepherds that need to find secure and responsible homes, but to provide education and assistance in getting the most out of every GSD. We believe that there is a need for specialised and sympathetic care for the German Shepherds that come to us for help and aim to place them with owners who will understand and commit to their future welfare with affection and sympathy
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Ashington Fair

Saturday 17thAugust 2024


Fun dog show, carnival parade, Lots of stalls

Click HERE for more details

Wimbledon and Putney Commons Open Day

Sunday 8thSeptember 2024 - 10pm to 5pm

Wimbledon Common

Click HERE for more details
Garbo's GSDR Calendar 2024 and Christmas Cards


Click here to go to the shop for more details

A thought for all dog owners

When you purchase house insurance you buy third party liability; when you buy a car, you buy insurance and legally must have third party liability. So when you ...
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Garbo's GSD A Video !

A lovely video about the charity
Please take a few minutes to watch this

Click here to watch the video on Garbo's GSD Rescue

It is very very sad to hear of the passing of Paul O'Grady, a wonderful person who did immense good for the dog world, our sympathies are with his family and dogs. We have republished the letter he wrote to us some years ago in respect and tribute to this much loved and respected person.


